Insects have been a problem for people for centuries. Insects from crawlers to flyers are commonly the cause of itchy bites, discomfort, and even the spread of various ailments and diseases. Mosquitoes, ticks, flies, midges, chiggers, and fleas are the more likely suspects and a single bite
Read more →Bed bugs are notorious for wreaking havoc on the masses. Their tiny statures and blood pilfering ways have made them on one of America’s most hated insect list. Bed bugs have been plaguing man since the beginning of time .. or pretty close. Before WWII they were
Read more →Rodent testing is best performed be experienced experts. Whether for repellents, traps or other means of controlling these pests, there are few approved and registered EPA rodent repellents available. There are exemptions when using the appropriate actives and inert ingredients in the various formulas. Snell Scientifics, LLC
Read more →Field Testing to Determine Mosquito Traps that Work Spring time is officially here and before we know it we’ll be swimming in the thick of summer enjoying the sunshine and family time that summer allows. One obstacle that prevents us from completely enjoying our time outdoors is
Read more →Need to prove your on-pet product will repel fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes? Each species requires unique test methods. In most cases, to save costs and time, we offer methods that do not require actual pets but can be done on animal hide. We show the degree of
Read more →There are very few rodent repellent formulas that are approved and registered by EPA. Most of the products available are exempt from registration by using the proper actives and inerts in the formulas. But no matter if you are looking for the data you need to support
Read more →With the loss of Allethrin as an active in the United States, we help a lot of clients find and develop suitable replacement actives. With several new actives to choose from, the process of selecting the ideal choice and them optimizing them to your needs can be
Read more →When you need data to support your claims for outdoor mosquito repellents such as candles, torches, coils, heated pads, and similar products, the options are certainly limited. Traditionally EPA has required open field tests but such methods rarely provided suitable results. Over the past few years, EPA
Read more →With the Zika concerns, we are getting a lot of requests for Arm-in-a-Cage testing for mosquito repellents. Mosquito bite tests for repellents are highly regulated test methods since 2006. Yes, there are plenty of videos showing mosquitoes biting, and being repelled from treatments on the arm. But
Read more →Wow. I have long since stopped being shocked about what many manufacturers think is true about the 25b exemption laws. Not a week goes by that I don’t have calls from people with 25b formulations with a host of myths and mis-understandings about the 25b laws. The
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