GLP testing, or good laboratory practice testing, is an essential element to ensuring products are effective. At Snell Scientifics, we take GLP testing seriously. For example, our primary facility has a separate GLP laboratory with its own lab space along with an insect rearing room, chemical storage,
Read more →Developing your own product is never easy. It takes resources, creativity and time. Testing for reliability, quality and durability, is one of the vital pieces of product development. Quality indicates that your product will deliver what it is designed for. You will also want to know if
Read more →In traditional practice as a personal protection measure against host-seeking mosquitoes, plant-based repellents have been used for generations. A valuable resource for the development of new natural products, the knowledge gained with repellent plants through ethnobotanical studies is a very valuable resource. Though sometimes a misconception, commercial
Read more →Bed bug encasements are used as a proactive tool before a bed bug infestation begins. To help prevent bed bugs infestations in beds in the event they are introduced, the encasement of the mattress and box spring will significantly assistant in detection as well. Bed bugs are
Read more →At Snell Scientifics, LLC we put our best work forward to test and gather information regarding your pest control products. We cover all the basics and get into extensive research and testing to find all the relevant information you need to start production on a new product
Read more →Snell Scientifics offer a wide spectrum of pest control product testing including termiticides. The lab work provides direct and residual kill tests with various methods and techniques of wood exposed to worker termites. Additional soil treatment and testing is applied for statistics and overall efficiency. Below is
Read more →Phytotoxicity is the damage inflicted on plant growth as a result of a toxic compound. Trace metals, pesticides, salinity, allelochemicals, or phytotoxins compounds are responsible for such damage. With certain spray mixtures and insecticides the phytotoxic reaction causes damage to the plant. Phytotoxicity Symptoms of Herbicides in
Read more →Insects have been a problem for people for centuries. Insects from crawlers to flyers are commonly the cause of itchy bites, discomfort, and even the spread of various ailments and diseases. Mosquitoes, ticks, flies, midges, chiggers, and fleas are the more likely suspects and a single bite
Read more →Bed bugs are notorious for wreaking havoc on the masses. Their tiny statures and blood pilfering ways have made them on one of America’s most hated insect list. Bed bugs have been plaguing man since the beginning of time .. or pretty close. Before WWII they were
Read more →Spring Time Is Prime Time for Weeds to Grow in your Garden This time of year many homeowners take an aggressive approach to make sure their lawn and garden are the best looking on the block. Having the greenest grass, the brightest flowers and the healthiest lawn
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